Lanvin Basket Suede Sneakers |
As far as luxury tennis sneakers remain relevant Lanvin and Common Projects would always be the holy grail. Both labels popularized the most common silhouettes. Lanvin is know for it's cap toes and Common Projects has its signature clean toe with double stitch vamp. A pair of any of these would set you off at least £250. Have no fear if you're not willing to make that sort of investment but at the same time don't want to compromise of the luxe aesthetic. The high street is awash with different offerings from Topman to River Island.
Common Projects Achilles Low Trainers |
Marks & Spencer's offering tops the list and is the priciest at £85. But it's worth every penny for not only its aesthetics but also its durability. River Island at the moment have the widest variety of luxe-esque tennis sneakers. They come in low and high tops with the low retailing for £50 and the hi top versions £55.
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