When i saw this shirt i couldn't help but scream. i had seen this sort of shirt before but it had 4 pockets and i thought it was too much, who would have thought just removing one would do all the magic!
Checked patterned stuffs are trend du jour in th UK right now so i guess this was were Yigal got his inspiration from.
The sandals most of the models are sporting are very cool, i'm a gladiator/Biblical sandals freak. i love the patteren of the overall.

A lot of manbags on the runway , guess the manbag issue will finally be settled as i look forward to seeing more men sporting it. Overall i was impressed with this collection. The designer's talent was in clear display, not some collections that have normal designs that are very common, this one was personalized by him, good job Yigal!

A lot of manbags on the runway , guess the manbag issue will finally be settled as i look forward to seeing more men sporting it. Overall i was impressed with this collection. The designer's talent was in clear display, not some collections that have normal designs that are very common, this one was personalized by him, good job Yigal!
I always carry a manbag. I have a closet filled with man bags. I am happy and sad by the fact that designers are using manbags, happy because more and more people will start using manbags. Sad because I won't be different anymore.
Jonas Fred
btw I agree with you on the spurr collection (thanks for letting me know you did a post on it).
Sorry i hate too say this but i think manbags would become so ubiquitous next spring/summer especially in large metropilitan areas where a lot of people commute by bus or train
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