I had the rare opportunity to speak with the creative s behind online custom shirt makers Blank Label about their influential and growing label known for it's quality and customer service.
What led to the creation of Blank Label?
Blank Label was created out of spite for the mass-product retail industry. We wanted to create a product that was individually made by our consumer, because wearing something that every other guy bought from H&M wasn't appealing to us. So we decided to create custom dress shirts, and with our custom dress shirt application, individuals are empowered to design their own product. That's something we wish we had, and because no one could provide that for us, we decided to go out and do it ourselves! and we made it affordable. All of our shirts start at $45.
How long does it take for an order to be ready?
Our turnaround time is 3 weeks from order placement to your door. 4 weeks if you're not US domestic.
Do you guys plan to branch into Suits and Shoes or is Blank Label all about shirts?
5-10yrs down the road, where would you like Blank Label to be in terms of revenue & brand awareness?
That's a big question. As for revenue, who knows! But for brand awareness, we want to be the brand that empowers you to design your own product. We don't really want to be a brand though, but more of a platform that allows consumers to be their own designers.
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