Amaya Anastasia Louis
When did you start modelling?
I started modeling at the age of 13 when I was shopping with my mother in H&Ms and got scouted by IMG with my hair blowing in the wind machine.

I love both no doubt but I have to say RUNWAY!The rush is amazing by the end of the show you have such a buzz its the best thing in the world.
What's your dream fashion contract?
I have to say my dream contract would be vivienne westwood with her crazy style her clothes are super cool she is her self and runs with it and it looks amazing I love that.

I will never say good bye (smiles) I am going to wait until modeling says good bye to me and hopefully that will be when I am 50! I love it so much I could never picture myself leaving it all behind but when the day comes as hard as it is for me to say it . I hope I say bye in the best way leaving my mark on fashion and I am doing it for an amazing reason. As I said I will never look back and regret anything I have done as it has made me the woman and the model I am today.(smiles)
she is very beautiful, amazing features!
congrats for your interview:)
happy weekend!
thanx :oD u too
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